Category Archives: Regulatory

Is it a CLIP or a SCRIP or a CLRP or PWI or PGI

The correct term depends on what you’re looking to accomplish. Navigating the different insurance policy terms can be confusing, as their meanings and applications often overlap. The fundamental foundation is the Contractual Liability Insurance Policy (CLIP) for all the variations.

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Don’t Waste Your Money | Home warranties under fire over denied claims

Another in a never-ending example of problems with some Home Warranty companies. Denying a claim after years of paying for it and calling it a manufacturer’s defect.

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The Fourth Annual Warranty & Service Contract Innovations for Vehicle, Home, Smart Products & Consumer Goods – March 26-27, 2025

Deep dive into all key ingredients for creating winning warranty & service contracts for vehicles, home, appliance, mobile, electronics & other consumer markets

Crowne Plaza® New Orleans French Quarter – Astor New Orleans, Louisiana

About The Event

Join us for the Warranty & Service Contract Innovations for Vehicle, Home, Smart Products & Consumer Goods – a deep dive into all key ingredients for creating winning warranty & service contracts for vehicle, home, appliance, mobile, electronics & other consumer markets.

Hear top industry leaders discuss tools and strategies for end-to-end lifecycle solutions for product design, marketing, sales, customer service, operations, technology & compliance.

The all-new agenda features riveting case studies and timely panel discussions. Plus, you’ll want to participate in the always-popular industry-specific roundtable discussion groups, and hot off-the-press market news flashes from Warranty Week.

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Using a Contractual Liability Insurance Policy (CLIP) for Limited Warranties or Service Guarantees

Businesses offering Limited Warranties or Service Guarantees frequently encounter the question, “What backs this warranty or guarantee?”

This question is critical to clients seeking peace of mind that something supports the warranty or guarantee beyond the company’s promise. In some cases, clients will not do business with a company that doesn’t have adequate backing for its promise or guarantee.

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Maine’s Implied Warranty Law should not fly below radar

Most consumer goods bought in Maine have an implied warranty of four years. Retailers and service contract providers need to take note of whether they are selling programs on products that this law already covers.

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home real estate

Edina Realty to pay $3.5 million in home warranty settlement with MN AG’s Office

The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office says a settlement has been reached with Edina Realty over alleged secret payments to promote home warranties.

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New Legislation Increases Protection Offerings for Missourians

Missouri lawmakers furthered the protections for consumer finances by signing a new law that affords additional options for people looking to keep their budgets safe. 

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