Category Archives: RV

Is it a CLIP or a SCRIP or a CLRP or PWI or PGI

The correct term depends on what you’re looking to accomplish. Navigating the different insurance policy terms can be confusing, as their meanings and applications often overlap. The fundamental foundation is the Contractual Liability Insurance Policy (CLIP) for all the variations.

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Using a Contractual Liability Insurance Policy (CLIP) for Limited Warranties or Service Guarantees

Businesses offering Limited Warranties or Service Guarantees frequently encounter the question, “What backs this warranty or guarantee?”

This question is critical to clients seeking peace of mind that something supports the warranty or guarantee beyond the company’s promise. In some cases, clients will not do business with a company that doesn’t have adequate backing for its promise or guarantee.

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Personal Safeguards Group Launches Marine and RV Limited Warranty Programs

Personal Safeguards Group, LLC (“PSG”) has launched marine and RV limited warranty programs to assist OEMs with offering longer term limited warranties while transferring the risk off the balance sheet with a financially secure solution.

Custom programs are designed to support promotional or blanketed programs with coverage for parts or parts and labor.  

For more information contact:  Personal Safeguards Group